Digital Smile Design Hero

Introducing Digital Smile Design: How Perth cosmetic dentists build a blueprint of your smile

By Alex Devellerez / August 15, 2022

Are you a pro at perfecting the closed mouth smile? Do you dream of a new smile? Or a suitably straight set of sparklers that will dazzle others and boost your confidence? Digital Smile Design might be just what you’ve…

Overcome your dental phobia

How to Overcome Dental Phobia

By Alex Devellerez / August 16, 2021

When you have a bad experience, this can lead to trauma, which understandably can lead to avoidance and phobia. However, it doesn’t have to be this way forever. In some cases, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how relieved and empowered…

Benefits of Dental implants

Are dental implants right for you?

By Alex Devellerez / August 2, 2021

Are dental implants right for you? Do you have missing, broken or damaged teeth? Does this impact your confidence and self-esteem? Perhaps you find wearing dentures uncomfortable or can no longer enjoy the foods you used to? Dental implants are…